
A new way to study

SDHacks 2019 Project - Web application for finding study groups

  • Collaborated in a team of 3 to design and build full-stack web application

  • Guided team members through React frontend and the basics of backend development


A 3D grapher for the TI84+CE

A 3D grapher that takes in equations in reverse-polish (postfix) notation and outputs a graph of the function.

  • Written in C using the C toolchain.

  • Deprecated, soon to be rewritten using Cuboid.


A 3D graphics library for the TI84+CE

A 3D graphing library based on vectors, supports writing custom projections.

  • Planning support for linear transformations, infix parsing, and higher-dimension math.

  • Written in C using the C toolchain.


A 59-key ortholinear keyboard

A 59-key ortholinear keyboard, based on the popular Planck keyboard. Hand-built and hand-wired, with a foam board frame (to be replaced later).

Seatz - HARD Hack 2019 Project


Seat-tracking proof-of-concept for public transportation.

  • A capacitive pad attached to an Arduino detects whether a seat is occupied, and sends the information via WiFi to update the web app.


Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars.js,

Carpool - HackXX 2019 Project

Ridesharing redefined

Conceptual web application for decentralized ridesharing service.

  • Allows drivers to select current location and destination and riders to choose drivers.

  • Plans to add Google sign-in and a credit system.


Firebase, Express.js, React, Node.js