Hello and welcome to my website! I'm Garrett, a UCSD student majoring in Computer Science. I am a developer of various things, and I've worked on a wide variety of projects in the past, including Android development, FRC control systems, and TI calculators. Programming is something I'm passionate about, and I just love coding and learning whatever I can.
This website is just a personal project for me to learn web development and a place for me to nerd out and talk about my ongoing projects. It also serves as a hub so that anyone can look through my independent projects in one place, and possibly a future portfolio/resume if I want a job or something. Stuff is still under construction around here, but feel free to have a look around!
If you would like to contact me for any reason, my email is I do a pretty good job of checking my email, so I'll get back to you in a relatively short time.
Other places you can reach me:
My resume:
Anyway, here's a picture of me at Google Headquarters.